Amenities + Equipment
Come and Take A Look At Our Elite 3200 Sqft Facility!

Key Fob Access 5am-10pm 7 Days/ Week
2 Washrooms
2 Changerooms With Lockers
Lounge With TV
Fridge With Unlimited Ice + Filtered Water
Spotters + Hype During Staffed Hours

Cable Jungle Gym With A Wide Variety Of Attachments
2 Power Racks
Powerlifting Competition Rack + Calibrated Plates
2 Deadlift Platforms With Deadlift Jacks
2 Benches
2 Sets Of MonoLift Attachments
Smith Machine
Massive Dumbbell Area With Dumbbells Up To 150's
2 Adjustable Benches
1 Decline Adjustable Bench
Shoulder Press Bench
Shoulder Press Machine
Leg Press
Pendulum Squat
Belt Squat
60 Foot Turf Strip
Variety Of Bars Including Power Bars, Squat Bars, Deadlift Bars, Kabuki Deadlift Bar, Safety Squat Bar, Buffalo Bar, Dip Bar, EZ Curl Bar
Straight Curl Bars
Bands + Chains
Atlas Stones Up To 387lbs + Loading Platforms
Farmer's Carry
Circus Dumbbell
Hussafel Shield
Log Press
Battle Ropes
High Row
Chest Supported T-Bar Row
Chest Press
Decline Chest Press
Chest Fly/ Rear Delt Fly
Plate Loaded Preacher Curl/ Triceps Extension
Iso-Lateral Chest Supported Row
Hyperextension Bench
Reverse Hyperextension
Hack Squat
Plate Loaded Quad Extension/ Seated Hamstring Curl
Laying Leg Curl
Abduction Machine
Adduction Machine
Assault Bike
Dedicated To Continuous Improvement